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Our Early Help Support Offer

Our Early Help Offer

Combs Infant School & Nursery works to provide Early Help to those children and families in the school community with emerging needs, which may not be appropriate for Social Care intervention. Our Family Support Worker/Inclusion Manager works to support children and families both in the home and the school setting. 


Our primary aim is to identify needs early and to make sure that appropriate support is put into place. ALL staff recognise their role in ensuring safeguarding practices to ALL children at ALL times. We believe that information sharing and timely effective support can ensure that ALL children and families get a good start in life. Families can need support from a wide range of agencies. We recognise that other agencies will be able to support children and families based on their specialised work. Therefore, the role of our Family Support Worker/Inclusion Manager is often to signpost families to the resources that will best support their needs. 


If you have any questions regarding our early help offer or require support please contact Miss Sweatmore directly


Useful links;

DCC Family Support/Signposting info:

Online safety:

Emotional Wellbeing:  - committed to helping the most vulnerable children and young people in the UK break through injustice, deprivation and inequality.

Drug/Alcohol:  - Derbyshire CGL is a free and confidential drug and alcohol outreach service for young people up to the age of 19.
