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Year 1 and Year 2

Year 1 & 2

Welcome to Key Stage One.

Our main theme this Autumn term is “Coastline”.

The children will be enjoying a range of fiction, non-fiction and poetry texts based around our theme.


Our beautiful KS1 Classroom

Our Teachers

KS1 Spring 1 Topic Web

Long Term Planning


The children have settled back in to their new term, exploring our main topic of 'Coastline'. 

During this topic we will be exploring a variety of genres in both reading and writing, as well as sharing books by Beatrix Potter, our focus author of the term.



This term the children will continue to learn about number, including exploration of place value, number lines, part-part- whole models, addition, subtraction and patterns and sequences within numbers. 

The children will enjoy deepening their mathematical knowledge and understanding through the use of concrete apparatus, as well as using pictorial and abstract methods. 




Science/Forest School


'Habitats' teaches children about habitats and what a habitat needs to provide. They will explore local habitats to identify and name living things. 









Musical Spotlight:  Playing in an Orchestra

In music this term, the children will continue to follow our music scheme Charanga. This unit teaches children that playing together is a very important part of learning music. They learn that there are many ensembles, bands and groups people can play in and that one of these groups is an orchestra. This unit features the orchestra - what can you learn about the orchestra?

Art and Design


Still Life

'Still Life' which teaches about the work of significant still life artists and still life techniques. They explore a wide variety of still life and learn about the use of colour and composition. They create still life arrangements and art work.






This term, the children will be learning history through exploring historically significant people and their impact on life today.






This project teaches the children about the physical and human features of coastal regions across the United Kingdom, including the detailed exploration of the coastal town of Whitby, in Yorkshire.







The children continue to enjoy their twice weekly PE sessions with our sports coaches from PAS. 

This half term, the children will be covering hockey and basketball, to support the children in developing:

  • the ability to participate in team games, developing simple tactics for attacking and defending.
  • the ability to  make safe decisions in contact with equipment and classmates.





The children will attend their weekly Spanish lessons with Fen from Kidslingo learning lot of new words and songs in Spanish.



The children will continue to explore IT around us before moving on to Digital Photography.

'It Around Us'  develops the children's  understanding of what information technology (IT) is and they will begin to identify examples. They will discuss where they have seen IT in school and beyond, in settings such as shops, hospitals, and libraries. Learners will then investigate how IT improves our world, and they will learn about the importance of using IT responsibly.

In 'Digital Photography', children will recognise that different devices can be used to capture photographs and will gain experience capturing, editing, and improving photos. Finally, they will use this knowledge to recognise that images they see may not be real.


This half term, the children will be exploring our unit question 'Who is a Muslim and What Do They Believe?'.
These lessons will consist of writing activities, reading, and using secondary resources such as the internet and books, to explore key concepts of the religion and how these compare with other beliefs and faiths. 



PSHE/British Values


We will be continuing to follow our PSHE scheme Jigsaw. Our topic this half term is 'Celebrating Difference'. This project teaches children about gender stereotypes, as well as the differences between bullying and falling out. They learn what bullying is, the feelings associated with bullying, how to support a classmate who is being bullied and how and where to get support, if they feel that they are being bullied.


The British Values are incorporated throughout the children's daily routine and this is highlighted on a day to day basis, from being a nice friend, following instructions and using our manners to having responsibilities, understanding boundaries and looking after ourselves and doing what makes us happy. Although the children are regularly reflecting each value, we always have one or two that are a main focus. The focus values this half term are is “Rule of Law and Tolerance”. 
Each of the British Values are incorporated through the children’s PSHE lessons and they lay the foundations for discussion during our weekly class assemblies. Our student council meet and suggest ways of how we can filter the understanding of these values throughout school, they talk to the other children and bring their feedback back to the meetings, promoting a voice for all the children at Combs.
